Want to be more present in life?


My business is something that I wake up every morning with a smile on my face, burning passion in my soul that lights my fire and fills my cup- excited to do what I do as a coach while being a SAHM!

Yup..That’s what this business does for me! <3

To be apart of such an uplifting community! Working on my health and fitness journey while helping others do the same! #prettycool

To also be present EVERYDAY in my childrens lives not worried about a work schedule.

I tried the whole working 9-5 MOM thing and I gotta be honest, I had a horrible pit feeling in my stomach everyday. I knew in my heart… staying at home with my kids is always where I NEEDED to be. I KNEW that's where I would be the happiest!

My mind was NEVER fully at work even when I was there, then I beat myself up when I got home because I wasn't “present".... I tell ya, It was a vicious cycle. Lol

I get that this is not for everybody, but if your like me and WANT to be a SAHM, create a healthy lifestyle for yourself AND help others on the same journey you’re going through and create an income…. I’m here! Hit me up!

Ready to create a healthy lifestyle, make money AND be at home with your kids? Click the button below!