A Few Reminders!


Just a few reminders I wanted to share with you!

1. You still have access to try a free workout from our new workout program Barre Blend!! Get ready to feel the burn and grab extra light weights (I used 3lbs and my arms were on fire). TRY HERE

2. PLANT BASED Beachbar is now available. CHOCOLATE ALMOND CRUNCH! Only 150 calories, with 9 grams of vegan progeny 0 trans fats, a full 4 grams of fibers, and only 6 grams of sugars. It's the perfect snack. ORDER HERE

3. A few of you have been asking-YES PEPPERMINT MOCHA SHAKEOLOGY is still available. I just ordered two more boxes myself. A perfect way to still be somewhat healthy for the holidays and treat yourself. ORDER HERE

As always as your coach I'm here to help. We have move our Challenge Groups to our (FIT & ACTIVE) page on facebook. If your not in there yet-MAKE IT IN THEIR TODAY! That is where you'll find all the extra support and accountability.

Please remember this holiday season YOU MATTER!! Don't give up on YOU just because life gets busy! XOXOX

Barre Blend Launch!

I am so excited about the release of our newest program - Barre Blend! This low impact workout will seriously change your body, you will love this program!

What is Barre Blend?

This 6 week program has  40 full-body workouts that include high-rep, small-range movements and isometric holds, as well as compound, full-range exercises, targeted core work, and dynamic stretches. And every 30- to 40-minute workout includes light weight training and cardio intervals to keep your heart rate up so you can burn maximum calories and fat.

Barre Blend requires no dance or ballet experiences and is perfect for all fitness levels. Start by following the modifier or kick it up a notch with weights and bands. You won’t believe the amazing workout you get from a “low impact” workout.

And this program also focuses on strengthening your mind! This program comes with “I AM” daily motivation cards to help you cultivate a positive mindset every day. 

Here is what is included:

  • 2 prep workouts to introduce you to the program

  • 40 unique workouts - there are 4 phases with 5 workouts in each. Elise ups the intensity every 2 weeks!

  • 5 Bonus workouts- these 10-minute workouts up the intensity and target specific body parts

  • 3 Recovery Workouts

  • I AM Daily Motivation Cards- Elise pulls one of these cards before each workout and bases the workout on the card. You can use them yourself to stay motivated through the program- and even use them in your morning routine!

Who is Elise Joan?

Elise Joan.jpg

You might remember Elise Joan, the creator of Barre Blend, from 3 Week Yoga Retreat! She is a former professional dancer and has taught exercise classes for over a decade. She loves to incorporate mind/body training (hence the I AM cards and daily affirmations!). She is known for her positive, joy filled teaching style and has appeared on Lifetime Television, ABC News, CBS News, Amazon.com and more! Her passion for this workout shines through- you are going to love her!

Important Dates:

November 25 - Sample Workout Available

December 16 - Barre Blend available for purchase

January 13 - Barre Blend Day 1!

What equipment is required?

Light dumbbells are required- 1 - 5 pounds should be good for most people. These are very high rep exercises so low weight is perfect!

Loops and barre socks are optional!

What packages are there?

For New Customers:

New Customers.jpg

For Existing BOD Members:

Current Customers.jpg

I am so excited to do this program with you! Click the button below to fill out the form and get more details.

Start your day off right!


I remember looking at myself in the mirror after I had my 3rd baby, and deciding that I was done playing around with fitness & nutrition. I wanted energy, I wanted confidence, I wanted to FIT back into my clothes and feel comfortable in MY skin!

Now I wake up excited to push my limits and truly see what I’m made of!

Wake up and put your workout clothes on first thing, as soon as you roll out of bed. You'll be more motivated to workout, because you've already set your intentions for the day! :D

If it challenges you, it changes you!


Thought for the day:

If it doesn't challenge you, it doesn't change you! So many people want that "quick fix" in life. But, we all know anything worth having is a challenge!

Embrace the fact that, if you want something you've never had, you have to be willing to put forth the effort to achieve it. 💝

Nothing in our lifetime, or our children's lifetime, will EVER replace healthy nutrition and a sweat session with yourself.

Just like nothing will ever replace working hard to make a good living! ❤️

Today, I choose to do both! ✌🏼

Are you ready to challenge yourself? Click the button below!

Don't stand in your own way!


New updates to our accountability group

We have moved from the app to our fit & active page on Facebook. If you’re not apart of the group add yourself here. Make sure you check under our pinned post in the group on how to join our virtual workout daily.

With the winter months approaching never feel like you have to be alone. Our community is here for you-sometimes it just takes reaching out.

Limited time peppermint mocha flavor!


Where my coffee lovers at?! Announcing a BRAND NEW limited edition shakeo flave launching on November 1.

This LIMITED-EDITION Peppermint Mocha Shakeology is a festive, limited-edition shake that delivers delicious notes of robust coffee, rich cocoa, and refreshing mint while capturing all the benefits of Shakeology. It delivers the delicious taste of the HOLIDAYS but with all of the nutritional benefits of Shakeology.

Peppermint Mocha Shakeology is a festive holiday shake that delivers delicious notes of robust coffee, rich cocoa, and refreshing mint while capturing all the benefits of Shakeology.

**Each package will contain 14 servings, and you can order up to 5 packages. Retailing at $74.95 as a customer … or if you are already a coach, $56.21.

There will only be ONE run of this flavor and once it sells out - its gone for good! 


PS: If you purchased Pumpkin Spice Shakeology before, the shipping process has changed for this new flavor. There will be ONE flat rate no matter if you order 1 or 5 boxes! Hooray!

Do you want to change?


Your desire to change has to be more than your desire to stay the same...

That's true! But, I've notice so many people want change so badly, but they're not willing to take the leap of faith and invest in themselves. Instead, they try to take shortcuts.

It will NEVER work. WHY? Because you don't think you're worth the investment. You're too afraid you'll fail. You're too afraid you'll let someone down. With that mindset YOU will always fail at the end! No matter how hard you try, you're setting your mind up to do so! STAAAAHP IT! 👊

Think positively. ❤ I WILL SUCCEED AT THIS! I can do this! I will invest in myself, because I am worth it! 🙌

The best investment you can ever make is the investment in YOURSELF! 😘 Don't sell yourself short. 😉

Stop coming up with every excuse in the book on WHY you shouldn't do it, and start thinking of one good reason WHY you should. 👊💪😘

Are you ready to put yourself first? Click the button below!

Want to be more present in life?


The struggle bus was REAL TODAY! 😂

I did NOT, I repeat, did NOT want to press play. But, I'm someone that will think about it for the rest of the day, beating myself up until I do it. I have a calendar up on my fridge and it stares me in the face as a gentle reminder. 🙄

So I talked to myself and said...Jess bite the bullet, PRESS PLAY on your workout so it's off your mind. You don't have an excuse, you do have 30 minutes, you're in your home...you just need to press play. YOU'LL feel better and you'll gain that energy you and deserve.

You got this! Power through! 😙 Do YOU!


Are you ready to push past your perceived limitations? Click the button below!

It's here!!!!!


We got to test out a workout from the new program called 6 Weeks of The Work created by pro athlete trainer Amoila Cesar!

Get to know him more here!! His story is INSPIRING and it really shows where his passion for wellness comes from.

Depending on where you are in your journey right now, this might be just what you need to ramp up the intensity or that thing you can set a date to WORK TOWARDS in the coming weeks/months! But please know this program is NOT for beginners. This is for someone that has been on a health and fitness journey and is ready for a CHALLENGE! Wanna see what it’s more about?


What is the 6 Weeks of THE WORK? 

  • 6 week program

  • 36 unique workouts

  • 45 mins long (stretching workout is 20 mins)

  • Intense functional training with strength, hypertrophy, endurance, power and mobility

  • Explicit and clean audio tracks (That right! Sometimes we just need to let it out)

  • Yes a nutrition plan will be included

What equipment will you need?


  • A range of weights (Light/Medium/Heavy)

  • Strength Slides

  • Resistance Loops


  • Pull up bar

  • Fitness or Yoga Mat (this is optional, but I’d HIGLY recommend one for comfort)


When can I start!? 

Offers go on sale and VIP early access starts September 30, 2019. 6 Weeks of THE WORK will be available to all Beachbody On Demand members in Spring 2020.

Fill out the form above if you’re interested in getting on my THE WORK email list! I will keep you up to date with all of the launch information, pricing, details and more!

Then once the program is live, I will get you plugged into my THE WORK Support & Accountability Group!

Soo excited for you to have this brand new program to rock out your results too!

Want to be more present in life?


My business is something that I wake up every morning with a smile on my face, burning passion in my soul that lights my fire and fills my cup- excited to do what I do as a coach while being a SAHM!

Yup..That’s what this business does for me! <3

To be apart of such an uplifting community! Working on my health and fitness journey while helping others do the same! #prettycool

To also be present EVERYDAY in my childrens lives not worried about a work schedule.

I tried the whole working 9-5 MOM thing and I gotta be honest, I had a horrible pit feeling in my stomach everyday. I knew in my heart… staying at home with my kids is always where I NEEDED to be. I KNEW that's where I would be the happiest!

My mind was NEVER fully at work even when I was there, then I beat myself up when I got home because I wasn't “present".... I tell ya, It was a vicious cycle. Lol

I get that this is not for everybody, but if your like me and WANT to be a SAHM, create a healthy lifestyle for yourself AND help others on the same journey you’re going through and create an income…. I’m here! Hit me up!

Ready to create a healthy lifestyle, make money AND be at home with your kids? Click the button below!