
It's important for you to know this...

It is completely NORMAL and HUMAN to fall off “track” when it comes to your health and fitness.  I don’t care how fit you are, unless you're some type of super human that is perfect ALL the time, “falling off track”  is perfectly normal and if you ask me I feel it's vital because you learn yourself a little bit more and what makes you successful and better yet you learn how you want to feel! But today I did not want to talk about being human. I wanted to chat about ditching the training and never getting back on that track. Can I get an AMEN!

You might say things like:

“I’m jumping back on the wagon today!”

“I’m ready to get back on track.”

“I’m hoping on the health and fitness train-Choo choooooo!”

The best way I know how to explain this is…...

Maybe you're someone trying to gain control RIGHT THIS SECOND and your mind is already wondering about the Oreo cookies you have stashed in your cabinets. You start thinking well I shouldn’t be eating these tomorrow…..IT’S ONLY ONE! I can have it. Then one leads into two and two leads to half the bag. This is where that stupid train comes into play. The second we feel like we can’t have something is the second we want it.

You think….. once you jump on board YOU CAN NEVER have the foods you might love!

You think…...I’m jumping on the health and fitness train I “won’t” be able to have this tomorrow so I better eat this today and that my friends is what gets our MINDSET all out of whack. DITCH THAT TRAIN and instead jump in your badass convertible because you own the rights to the road you create for yourself. BEEP BEEP

Here’s the deal-You can eat the cookie! You can enjoy the nice crunchy colorful bowl of fruity pebbles. What matters the most about your journey is:

1. You are healthy!

2. You LEARN yourself along the way!

3. You LEARN you ALWAYS have the POWER!

4. You LEARN a LIFESTYLE change. One that you can see yourself doing forever!

“Learn to treat yourself NOT cheat yourself”

Need help creating food freedom? I'm here for you!