
Tips to Enjoy Your Holiday Cheer

Holiday parties are the biggest antagonists your fitness program is likely to face. Here are some tips to make it through the season without having to say, “Bah, humbug!”

The trick is how to enjoy the holidays without blowing everything you’ve worked so hard to achieve. Here are some tips that will help you. 

1. Eat before you drink. Eating a high-protein and somewhat high-fat meal beforehand will slow the alcohol from entering your bloodstream. Plus, if you’re full you are more likely to drink less. (If you’re lucky.)

2. Drink before you drink. Don’t drink alcohol to quench thirst. It’s very easy to quaff a couple of beers just to wet your whistle; especially if you just got off of work. On party days, be more conscious about drinking a lot of water throughout the day and drink one full glass before heading off to the soiree.

3. Don’t mix drinks with soda pop. Sugar causes the alcohol to be absorbed even quicker, plus the carbonation decreases your body’s phosphorus levels. The result is that you’ll get drunk quicker and have a worse hangover.

4. Mix drinks with water. And even better, have a glass of water between each drink. This will offset the dehydrating effect of the alcohol. You’ll drink less and feel better the next day.

5. Have coconut water available. Coconut water is full of electrolytes, which will greatly help with recovery. Care in doing this post drinking (or even better, while drinking) will far offset the fashion faux pas of walking around a party with a water bottle.

Follow these rules and you will not only do little harm to your program, but also be far less likely to wake up with a hangover.